"Town of Sins" is an adult-themed card game that combines strategic deck-building with mature content. Players assume the role of a protagonist who arrives in a conservative town and aims to transform its inhabitants through seduction and corruption.

Gameplay Overview:

  • Deck Building: Players construct a deck comprising 20 to 30 cards, including resident cards, character cards, and item cards. Each card type offers unique abilities and attributes, contributing to various strategies during gameplay.

  • Card Rarity: Cards are categorized by rarity, indicated by distinct colors: Gray (Common), Green (Uncommon), Blue (Rare), Red (Legendary), and Gold (Mythic). Higher rarity cards typically possess stronger abilities and stats.

  • Combat Mechanics: Battles are turn-based, with players always initiating the first move. Each turn involves drawing a card and playing one card, which can be placed on the field or combined with another to form a combo. Cards attack opponents directly or target opposing cards, with damage calculations based on the card's attack power and the opponent's defenses.

  • Combos: Combining character cards with item cards during battles creates combo cards, which are more powerful and can be crafted in the game's Workshop. These combos do not occupy additional deck space and are essential for advancing against tougher opponents.

  • Skills and Effects: Cards possess various skills that can influence battles, such as reducing damage, healing, or inflicting status effects like poison. Understanding and strategically utilizing these skills is crucial for success.

  • Progression: Players can upgrade cards by collecting duplicates and using in-game currency, enhancing their attack, health, and abilities. Participating in events and completing missions provides opportunities to acquire rare cards and resources.